Gringo Lost

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Posts Tagged ‘Education

Hooray for Community College!

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There’s something about Obama’s plan to aid community colleges that really just warms my heart.  Maybe its because I’m a product of a community college.  But moreover it’s because I know that community colleges offer students a wider array of opportunities then most people give them credit for.

As a continuing master’s student, I almost feel the longer I stay in college the more I become high-minded and useless.  How it makes me yearn for the days when I could have gotten myself an A.A. in a trade that would’ve given me valuable, productive employment.

But alas, I know the world needs PhDs, master’s degree students, and bachelors in political science (or at least I hope it does).  But we also need more of what community colleges produce, i.e. nurses, graphic designers, security professionals, hemetologists, automotive techs, IT network administrators, dental techs, construction managers, child development specialists, and the list goes on and on.

So, +1 for Obama on this one.

Written by gringolost

July 17, 2009 at 7:25 pm

Posted in Education, Obama

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